All For His Glory

WorshipArts Worship Teams

For 14 years, WorshipArts has been helping student singers and musicians learn the skills needed to join a church or youth group worship team. Our goal is to help students bridge the gap between their current abilities, and what’s required to become a helpful, active part of a worship team.

The bulk of the program is built like a church worship team rehearsal night. Students come in, get set and sound checked and do a devotion in the Psalms. We’ll work through new and old music together, talking through how the whole team should rise/fall, and how each section should sound, and then we’ll go through and give help and tips to individuals on how they can contribute to that sound.

We’ll talk through the meaning of our lyrics, and have discussions on making song lists, on prayer and praise. We’ll talk through preparation and what success looks like for a worshiper and for a worship leader.

Our season ends with worship nights led by our students, where family and friends are invited to come sing to the Lord together.


Season 29 Details (Spring 2023)

  • Wr have multiple levels of worship teams that depend on age and skill level. Students will be placed on a team that is the best fit for them.

    • MONDAYS 4:30-6:30 PM KERUSSO WORSHIP TEAM (Age 14-18)


    • THURSDAYS 4:45-6:30 PM HALAL WORSHIP TEAM (Age 11-13)

    • THURSDAYS 6:30-8:30 PM DOXAZO WORSHIP TEAM (Age 14-18)

  • Rehearsals will take place at the WorshipArts Building, 2020 Fulford St in Kalamazoo, MI.

  • Teams rehearse from January 7th through May 13.

  • Our biggest events are Horizon on April 15th and APEX on May 12-13.

  • All students and alumni are invited to participate in our spring photoshoot on the morning of April 15th.

  • Tuition is $280 for Worship Team, and $200 for an additional WorshipArts track (tech team, drama, Voices, etc.)

  • A link for a video orientation will be sent out at the beginning of January. Students, and at least one parent (for students under 16) must watch it by January 7th.