A relaxed, no-commitment space for musicians to practice worship together!

Join us for The Rehearsal Room, a weekly, hour-long drop-in session designed for youth and adults who want to grow their skills by playing through worship songs in a low-pressure, supportive environment.

Each week, you’ll receive PDFs of the music in advance, giving you time to prepare and get comfortable with the setlist.

There’s no long-term commitment—just drop in when you can for $12 per session. Before we start, we’ll warm up to a metronome, and then spend the rest of the hour playing through a curated list of 6–10 songs together.

Play the songs you know well, and experiment or sit out for the ones that are new to you. It’s all about growing together as worship musicians.

How it works:

  • Sign up above to receive weekly emails with the song charts.

  • RSVP at this link at least 24 hours in advance so we can be ready for you.

  • Bring your instrument and be ready for a fun, guided practice session.

Space is limited

  • 12 people max

  • Only piano, guitar, bass, vocals, hand percussion and orchestral instruments like violin or cello

  • Keyboards available, request one when RSVPing

  • Only one drum set available during these Rehearsal Room Sessions. Request it when RSVPing.