From Director Peter Webb:
I’m teaching a Music Theory class for a full school year at WorshipArts. It's a class I've taught 3 other times in past years, and the student reviews usually sound like,
““this was my favorite class all year””
““now I understand how music works””
““I use this information every time I’m on a worship team now.””
I'm so excited to teach this class again. A solid understanding of theory takes music from a mechanical task to reproduce someone else's sound, to a beautiful tool that you can confidently wield to bless, serve, express, create and worship.
- Age 13+ (including adults)
- Thursdays 3:00-4:30pm
- September 7 - May 9
- No Class Nov. 23, Dec 14, Dec. 21, Dec 28, March 28
- Held at the WorshipArts Building
- 2020 Fulford St. in Kalamazoo
- Tuition: $370
- $50 non-refundable deposit due at enrollment.
- $185 due September 7
- $135 due January 2
- LAMP funds accepted
- No required textbook
- All materials are handouts and homework given each week
- Weekly homework takes 30-60 minutes, depending on grasp of subject matter
- Mid-term and final exam
Topics covered include
Physics of Sound
Traditional Notation (Sheet music)
Simple Meter
Chromatic Scales & Steps,
Major & Minor Scales,
Key Signatures,
The Circle of Fifths,
Scale Degrees,
Melodic and Harmonic Intervals
Chords and Harmony,
Nashville Numbers,
Chord Roles,
Non-Chord Tones
Compound Meter,
Advanced Rhythm,
and Modes!