Madison Peake
WorshipArts is a group of young people that come together to worship. It’s like training camp for what the Lord is going to bring for us and the opportunities He has for us.
My people skills have improved along with my music skills. And I like people a lot more. When I started WorshipArts I couldn’t harmonize. My range used to be really small but it has gotten so big.
When I started I wasn’t really involved with the Lord and I just didn’t have much of a relationship with God. But then I started WorshipArts then I was encouraged to pursue a relationship with Him. And now where I stand with Him is amazing.
There are no words than can describe what it’s meant to me. Without the people in WorshipArts, without Peter and Tori, or just anybody in WorshipArts my life would look so different and I would probably be a total mess.
The Lord has placed people in my life to help me and encourage me. In WorshipArts, Peter and Tori and certain friends will challenge you, to live a holier lifestyle, and it’s harder than you would expect.