Jonathan Yerty

“Before joining WorshipArts I had never played on a worship team, had never spoken publicly, and I had a pretty bad case of stage fright. My relationship with God was good, but it definitely improved through my time in WorshipArts. 

I was on the message team and not only did it give me the boldness to speak publicly, but it also gave me a desire to delve deeper into God's word, and share what I had learned with others. I was also on the worship team, which gave me the confidence to sing in front of others.  

Since joining WorshipArts, I joined the Sunday morning worship team at my church before launching into the mission field. I am currently stationed in Iquitos, Peru, at a YWAM mission school, where I will am using the skills I learned through WorshipArts to spread the gospel to the native Peruvians!

I am so thankful for Peter and Tori! God has really given them each a servant's heart. They pour into students serving the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind. They are both truly special people!”