What's the purpose?

To give students the knowledge and experience that they need to get plugged in with other churches and ministries. To reveal the talents that God has given them and get them to start using them to glorify God. In a lot of ways, we're like a ministry school for youth. WorshipArts was founded in 2009.

What's the vision?

To provide training in all areas of ministry to students in Middle School, Jr. and Sr. High. We are open to expanding to older and younger students in the future.

We'd love to provide training in Worship, Drama and Choir Ministry, Photo and Video Production, Sound Tech, Lights, Graphic, and Web Design, Recording, Songwriting, Art, Hospitality and Outreach, and any other ministry that can spread the gospel and give glory to God.

What programs do you offer?

We offer three main ways to receive training: our Seasons (beginning in January or August), our summer Camps (day camps), and private Lessons (offered year round. 

How long do Seasons run?

Our seasons (similar to semesters) are about 4 months (14-16 weeks) long. Usually starting last week in August until the second week in December, and then starting again in January until April or May.

How does each season end? 

At the end of each fall and spring season the students lead our Saturday worship celebration called APEX. This is usually hosted at a local Kalamazoo church, and the community is always invited to attend. All students from all tracks present what they've worked on thoughout the season. We have worship sessions lead by all of the Horizon Worship Teams and the Romans Ministry Team. Our Seraphim drama and dance teams, media team, and message teams all present as well. These events typically run from 2pm until 9pm, and are divided into blocks so that people can attend the sections that interest them.

What is tuition like? How often is it due?

Tuition for students ages 14 and up is 4 payments of $60. This covers any tracks a student wants to participate in. They can sign up for as many programs as they want for no additional charge per season. Beginnings and BreakGround Worship Teams, (ages 9 to 13) are $40/month. Tuition is due at the first practice of the month. Families who pay in full by the first practice will receive a $10 discount for the season.

How do I get involved with teaching or other volunteering?

WorshipArts is always excited to get more people plugged in! We're looking for anyone out of high school who has a passion for worship. Don't worry, you don't have to be a musician, just a Christian seeking to honor God in everything you do. We want people to come in and have a relationship with the students that influences them in a Godly way. How to get started? First, shoot us an Email. This can get the dialogue rolling and we can figure out the best way to plug you in! We have a lot of areas that could use extra hands. From taking attendance at practices to helping the 9-11 year olds in our beginnings worship teams to helping our worship students with their weekly assignments, there are many places to get connected!

When can WorshipArts perform at my church/event?

WorshipArts traveling teams change twice a year (with our Seasons). The first part of the season we train, and the second part we send out our worship, drama and sermon teams. Currently, we can usually send students to your event in late FebruaryMarch and early April, and in late OctoberNovember and early December.

How much knowledge do students have to have before they start WorshipArts?

Students signing up for Worship Teams on an instrument need to have the most basic understanding of how to play some chords. If you're signing up for vocals, or any other program, you do not need any prior knowledge. If you're unsure about your level of knowledge, send in an Email and I can meet with you. (peter@worshipartscentral.com) Also, private lessons are available that compliment worship training very well.

What age do you have to be to sign up for WorshipArts?

We are currently teaching students 9 to 18. Older students are encouraged to volunteer (or intern!) and glean as much as they can. Younger students are encouraged to hang on a few more years!

What is my student expected to bring?

Students in all tracks must bring a three ring binder to rehearsals. Also, for worship teams bringing your instrument, Bible, pencil and paper is a must. Vocalists must bring water bottles. Photography & video students should bring their camera or laptop, if they have one. Drama students are expected to come in uniform to every practice and bring a water bottle.

Where do you meet?

WorshipArts meets at local church and ministry buildings. Over the years, we've met in many places, including New Day Community Church in Kalamazoo, City on a Hill in east Kalamazoo, The Iglesia in Downtown Kalamazoo, Grace Christian Fellowship in Kalamazoo, and Gathering Place Church in Paw Paw. 

Is WorshipArts affiliated with...?"

Nope, WorshipArts is an independent ministry, not affiliated with any church, denomination, or organization. We work with students from dozens of churches in southwest Michigan. Our leaders attend and are involved in their own local churches, and our mission is to get youth trained up to use their gifts in the local church and mission field.  We do have friendships with churches and businesses that we've worked with to bring better experiences to our students.